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This is my portrait in a circle format.
Veronica Paiz Democrat for State Representative, District 11

Thank you District 11 Voters!


With your support and confidence in me, I have won the Democratic nomination to be your Representative in the new State House District 11.


I seriously cannot thank you all enough. I am so grateful for you. Over the past few months, I've heard your stories, you've told me of your needs and interests, and I have learned so much. 


My fellow Dem competitors ran brilliant campaigns. I appreciate them, and should I win the upcoming general election, I will definitely seek their guidance to give District 11 the best possible representation. I know you will hold me accountable. In the meantime....

Onward to the November elections. With so many important and urgent issues -- including reproductive rights and women's health, and safeguarding voting and elections -- a large Democrat turnout is a must for the upcoming elections. We need to get the work done. I'll be out campaigning and working with local Democrats to flip Michigan Blue. I'll see you soon, if you don't see me first. 

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  • Twitter campaign

Knowledge. Experience. Leadership

My name is Veronica Paiz and I am a candidate for State Representative of Michigan's new State House District 11.

As a longtime resident of this District, a Harper Woods resident, a former Detroiter, and having grown up in Macomb County, I understand the histories of our communities and the challenges we have faced over the years. There have been wrongs that need to be made right and good we need to keep, and foundations we need to build.

I know from experience how local and State governments work. As a member of Harper Woods City Council, I have learned how legislation directly affects power and resources and equitable impact on communities.


​Throughout my life I’ve had the privilege of working or volunteering with a diversity of people and sharing stories and truths about our lives. These experiences coupled with my  knowledge of municipal government give me particular insight and clarified my understanding of good governance. I’m running for office to ensure equitable state legislation and positive successful representation.


Good leadership is about listening to and collaborating with the people you serve.


I will work with you for strong legislation that is sensible and equitable to lift up all the people of District 11.

I will work...

  • …for affordable food, healthcare, and housing 

  • …for practical wages and safeguarding  pensions

  • …for low cost childcare

  • …advocating for people with disabilities

  • …to reform unfair insurance laws

  • …to amend property tax law and prevent home foreclosures

  • …for clean water, preventing sewage spills, and control of shoreline flooding

  • …to protect voting by absentee ballot

Lawn Signs

Lawn signs will be

delivered to your house.


Greet voters at your precinct polls or

distribute literature.

Meet & Greet

Host a meet-and-greet

in person

or virtually online.

Teamwork! Be part of the solution.

Thank you! We'll get back to you today.

© 2022 Paid by the Committee to Elect Veronica Paiz, 20052 Hunt Club Drive, Harper Woods, MI 48225

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